5 Ways How to Show Love

How to Show Love

Showing our love towards those who deserve it is an art and, like any art, it takes a good deal of practice. For one thing, people respond to love in different ways. Some like to hear words, some need to see loving behavior, and others respond best to gestures. Whether it’s your friend, family member, spouse, or partner, aim to cover a broad spectrum of words and deeds in order to show them that you care about them.

  1. Image titled Show Love Step 1
    Give compliments. Sometimes it's easy to think that the people around us know how much we care for and appreciate them, when in reality they don’t. To make it clear how much you value them, dole out the compliments. Is your friend always supportive? Say so. Does your spouse look really good today? Say so. Does she get you like no one else gets you? Say so. She'll beam with pride.
    • Start with something simple. “I really appreciate you” or “I’m glad that you’re in my life” are two fail-safes.
    • Both women and men like compliments on appearance and personal qualities. “You’re so pretty/handsome/cute/adorable” can go a long way. “You are so kind/smart/sweet” is also good.
    • Be genuine, though. Resist giving a compliment just to make someone feel good. If you don't like your spouse’s cooking, don't lie (but do appreciate the time and effort that she took). Compliments mean little if they are not genuine. They can be easy to see through, as well.[1]
  2. Image titled Show Love Step 2
    Be encouraging. Part of love is hoping that your friends and loved ones grow, and cheering them on. Say that you want to go to graduate school and bring it up with your best friend. She immediately shuts you down, telling you that it’s too much time and money. Do you feel very loved? Probably not. Keep this in mind when the time comes to show love. Encourage those around you to grow and pursue what makes them happy.[2]
    • Here is another example. Say your boyfriend reveals that he’s always wanted to be an FBI agent. He’s thinking about changing careers to law enforcement. How do you react? He’s always been reliable. Do you encourage him to pursue his dream or do you poke fun at him? Which best shows love?
    • Compliments like those above can encourage. Try to reinforce your loved one’s self-esteem by pointing out her strengths – she is hardworking, good-hearted, and talented.
    • It’s also possible to encourage a loved one through solidarity. “I believe in you” or “Remember that I’m here for you” will put wind in his sails.
  3. Image titled Show Love Step 3
    Ask for advice. Whether it's your mom, a neighbor, a friend, or a romantic partner, asking for someone's advice shows that you value and trust their opinion. It makes them feel good, reinforces a sense of worth, and makes your relationship stronger. There is very little to lose by asking. You'll probably gain something from the talk anyway.
    • Your question doesn't have to be about anything major, either. Ask them if they have a new restaurant that they like, or where they go to get their car tuned up. While life crises are great advice-seeking moments, but you should not make up problems.
  4. Image titled Show Love Step 4
    Thank liberally. It is hard after years and years of a relationship to cherish a friend or loved one as you did in the beginning. Imagine you've been in a relationship for a few years. You naturally share the chores at home; you clean the dishes while he takes out the garbage. This is just what you do, but the fact of the matter is that your partner probably isn't crazy about taking out the garbage. He will appreciate your saying “thank you” and will be much happier to know that his input is noticed.[3]
    • Try to be specific when you express thanks: i.e., “I’m really grateful that you help out with the dishes” or “Thank you for all your time.“
    • Take a second to think about your partner. Odds are that they've done a handful of things with you in mind that you did not even register. Did they buy extra groceries? Wash your towels? Wait for you in the parking lot? They're showing you that they love you – return the gesture by thanking them!
  5. Image titled Show Love Step 6
    Have a heart-to-heart. A good way to show someone that you value them above pretty much everyone else is to open up and share your feelings. This does not just mean your secrets, necessarily. Opening up to a friend or partner shows your trust and confidence in them. It makes them feel like they're in the platinum-tier of your relationships. Of course, only take someone into your confidence if you feel comfortable. There are other ways to show love if you're not ready for this step!
    • Make sure the relationship is solid before divulging your deepest, darkest secrets. Be sure that you really do trust the person. Don’t waste your secrets on a crush or a fly-by-night friend.
    SOURCE WIKIHOW http://m.wikihow.com/Show-Love

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